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Our Mission Statement

Mackintosh Academy nurtures the keen minds and compassionate hearts of the gifted child in a responsive and caring community of learners. Our students mature into confident, healthy human beings inspired to contribute to a world that needs them.

These three pillars – Keen Minds, Compassionate Hearts, and Global Action – make up the foundation of our mission and educational approach at Mackintosh.

As an authorized International Baccalaureate (IB) School since 2006, Mackintosh Academy’s mission aligns with the International Baccalaureate program’s mission, “to create a better world through education.” Read the full IB mission statement on the International Baccalaureate organization’s website.

Visit our Academics section to learn more about our philosophy and curriculum.

Keen Minds. Compassionate Hearts. Global Action.


Mackintosh Academy maximizes learning potential and promotes development of the whole child: cognitively, socially, emotionally, creatively, and physically. Our rich curriculum incorporates challenging academics with the arts, physical education, languages, technology, and commitment to global action.

A child who is academically prepared is only partially equipped to make a meaningful contribution to society. We deeply care about and are responsive to the factors influencing a gifted child’s social-emotional and interpersonal development. Students need to respect themselves and others, listen actively, think critically, negotiate conflict, build resiliency, act responsibly, and understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.

Today’s students are faced with the challenges and opportunities of learning about an interconnected world where knowledge is constantly developing. We prepare students to be active participants in a lifelong journey of learning through inquiry and reflection. We cultivate strong and trusting relationships among students and faculty to support and tend to the optimal growth of each child’s potential.

Mackintosh Academy