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What type of tour is best for me?




We offer three different ways to get to know Mackintosh. Some of our parents choose to attend more than one type of tour.

Open Houses:  These offer a relaxed opportunity to hear more about our program and gain an overview of the Mackintosh community. You will attend a formal presentation along with several other parents, participate in a Q & A session and then be given a school tour by our admissions team. RSVP required.

Personal Tours:  Personal tours are scheduled with our Director of Enrollment Management. The tour will be tailored to your child(ren)’s age(s) with a dedicated time to talk about your child and their individual needs. Personal tours are by appointment only.

Family Engagement Events:  Each year, we hold on-campus events for both current and prospective parents. Some events give a fun hands-on “taste” of how students learn at Mackintosh, while others focus on parent education topics. These events are a great opportunity to meet current parents and to experience a learning environment that is likely quite different from your own experience as a student. Visit our events page to learn more and to RSVP.


The deadline has already passed – Can I still apply?


After the application deadline, Mackintosh accepts applications on a rolling basis. Applicants who have completed the process and are considered to be a good fit for the school are placed in a wait pool until an opening becomes available.  Available openings are filled with best fit candidates. We encourage families to complete applications as early as possible to provide the best opportunity for enrollment in the next school year.

What types of testing are required?


Students entering grades two and up are required to submit cognitive testing. The preferred testing is the WISC-V. The WISC-V is administered by a number of Colorado professionals. For a partial list of professionals in our area, contact us.  Mackintosh may also consider a separate body of evidence including school-administered testing, previous acceptance to a gifted program or other standardized tests measuring cognitive capacity.


What are the age requirements for your pre-K class?


Students must be 3 ½ years of age by September 1.  On very rare occasions, we may accept a three-year-old who demonstrates the stamina and maturity for our program. The majority of our pre-K students are four years old by the beginning of the school year.

How do I know if my child is gifted?



This is a good question! There are a number of indicators of giftedness, one of which is cognitive testing, required for applicants entering grades two and above. Chances are, if you are asking this question, you may have already seen some signs. Gifted children often process information more deeply and with intensity. We are looking for students who are curious about the world and who make connections. These children are always asking questions and may be very passionate about an area of interest. We encourage you to reach out to our admissions team to talk more about this topic!



What should we expect during a student visit day?



Visiting students are invited to join in on daily activities to the extent that they are comfortable. Visitors will typically be asked to complete a small math assessment and provide a writing sample. We will also assess reading levels through a reader interview or reading sample, depending on the age of the applicant. The primary goal of the visit is to see how the child fits in our learning environment. The child’s sense of belonging is just as important as the teacher’s evaluation of fit. Many of our visitors go home having found their “people” and begging to return!



How can I afford an education at Mackintosh Academy?



At Mackintosh Academy, socioeconomic and ethnic diversity are important to us, and we understand that affording an independent school education is a significant investment for many families. We offer tuition assistance to as many students as possible. Approximately 30% of our community receive some form of assistance. Families are encouraged to apply for assistance early. Tuition assistance is based solely on demonstrated need. Please see our Tuition Assistance page for more information.

Investment in a Mackintosh education is a choice that we believe pays large dividends. The majority of Mackintosh students attend high school having developed a strong sense of self and having been nurtured in a caring community where their strengths are celebrated. Fostering a love for learning and developing solid critical thinking, communication, and collaboration skills set the foundation for lifelong journey, preparing our children for a world that needs them. 



Where do Mackintosh graduates attend high school?




Mackintosh prepares students for a wide variety of high school experiences.  Each year we connect with both parents and students to help them identify the best fit for the next step in their educational journey.  Approximately one-third of our students choose to continue in the International Baccalaureate (IB) program by attending a high school that offers the IB Diploma Program (examples include: Littleton HS, Dakota Ridge HS, Lakewood HS). Another third select an independent high school (examples include: Regis Jesuit HS and Colorado Academy). The remaining students choose to return to their local high school or choose from the wide array of charter and specialty schools in the area (STEM School, Denver School of the Arts, Douglas County Early Colleges Program).



Where do Mackintosh students live?




Mackintosh families come from all over the Denver area with a concentration from southern neighborhoods.  We have families coming from as far away as Golden, Castle Rock, Parker, Aurora, and Conifer.



Do you have after school activities?



Yes!  We offer a wide array of organized activities outside of school hours that have included choir, fencing, art, board games, cooking, and homework club.  Activities vary by trimester and are priced separately.


Do you offer extended care?


See this page for more information.


Do you accept students with learning differences?


Approximately 25% of Mackintosh students are considered twice-exceptional. These children are identified as gifted with a learning disability. Mackintosh will provide a written Classroom Accommodation Plan for students with diagnosed learning differences such as dyslexia, dysgraphia or ADHD. Mackintosh teachers are also prepared to address the needs of students with sensory processing, auditory processing or visual processing challenges. Mackintosh provides a part-time learning specialist on staff. Children who need support services such as occupational therapy, speech therapy or tutoring, will need to access these resources outside of school.


I am not familiar with the IB program. How can I learn more?



The IB Program is central to our mission and learning environment.  We encourage you to learn more by visiting our Academics pages, or the International Baccalaureate website.



Mackintosh Academy