NOTE: The glass recycling program at Mackintosh Academy has ended as our recycling partner has ceased operations. Please contact your city or waste management company for information on how to recycle glass in your area.
Glass recycling makes a difference in our community!
Every Wednesday morning at carline, you can see parents and students unloading bags and boxes of glass jars and bottles. They leave them curbside near our front entrance, and the Green Team transfers them to a dedicated recycling bin on campus. For the past several years, this glass recycling program has been an integral part of our award-winning sustainability initiatives at Mack.
Since beginning this program in 2016, Mackintosh Academy has recycled over 16.5 tons (33,000 pounds) of glass. We rely on our dedicated community not only to bring the glass, but also to help offset the cost of the program. We like to think of ourselves as a “Smart Village.” This village includes not only students and teachers, but also staff, board members, parents, and community partners in our efforts to be as green as possible.
Green Partners help us make a bigger impact
Clear Intentions, our glass recycling partner, offers glass recycling services and recycled glass products to a broad range of industries, including food and entertainment, municipalities, construction, infrastructure, and manufacturing. They create a crushed recycled glass aggregate from 100% source-separated recycled glass. This aggregate can be used in flooring, water filtration, beach restoration, and – of course – in creating more glass bottles!
This fall, The Steller Group Real Estate and Mack parents Seth and Allison Jones stepped up to sponsor the costs of this glass recycling program. Please join us in thanking Seth, Allison, and the Steller Group for this generous sponsorship!
Here is a statement from the Jones family and the Steller Group explaining why this program is so meaningful to them:
“Seth and Allison Jones have combined efforts with The Steller Group Real Estate team to sponsor the continuance of Mackintosh Academy’s glass recycling program. This donation comes from a personal commitment to protecting the environment. The Jones family is dedicated to recycling and doing their part to reduce waste and prioritize conservation efforts in their own home; for instance, they use reusable grocery sacks and bags for the kids’ lunches, and compost and grow what they can in their garden. The Steller Group itself is committed to a hearty recycling program at its office. Conrad Steller, the owner, even takes it upon himself to educate the team about items that can and cannot be recycled.
The Jones family and The Steller Group believe we can help create a better world for tomorrow by taking action today. Leading by example is our responsibility, and our duty to our youth. If children create good habits like sustainability and recycling in their early years, it will become second nature when they are older. Small but impactful contributions are what it takes to make meaningful change so that our children can continue to enjoy all that our beautiful planet has to give us.”
Because of generous “Green Partners” like these we are able to offer an array of environmental initiatives. These efforts involve every student in our school. As the Jones’ story shows, these initiatives have ripple effects that reach far beyond our campus.
Thank you Jones Family & The Steller Group for being our Green Partner!