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Keen Minds. Compassionate Hearts. Global Action.

At Mackintosh Academy Littleton, our mission statement is not simply words on a page. It’s something our school community strives to live by. This week, our students planned and carried out “Compassionate Hearts” Spirit Week in honor of the second “pillar” of our mission statement._GR10979

On Tuesday, February 13, the Mackintosh Littleton community participated in an Empty Bowl Luncheon. This event was organized by our seventh and eighth grade students, faculty and parents. The students spoke in a school-wide assembly about hunger and food insecurity in the Littleton community. They explained to the younger students that there are families right here in our neighborhood who do not always have the food they need. The middle years students baked bread in our wood-burning oven and made soup for our community luncheon. This activity also served as a fundraiser for Break Bread Littleton, raising nearly $500 (enough to provide 200 meals for food-insecure families). Dr. Abby Anderson, 8th grade parent, was instrumental in helping with this project._GR10980

Earlier in the week, each class collected items for care packages for the homeless. Families donated hand wipes, non-perishable food items, socks and bottled water. At the assembly, each class took a turn to assemble care packages for the homeless. This project helped students get a concrete sense of the needs in the Littleton community. On Thursday, the bags were distributed to families to have on hand and share with people in need they encounter in the community.

Other campus activities included recognizing acts of kindness by writing them on a sticky note and posting it in the “hearth” community space. Monday was “crazy socks day” – a fun kickoff to a busy week! Tuesday was “secret inspirational message” day and students could be found creating and hiding encouraging notes on campus for others to find. Wednesday (Valentine’s Day!) was compliment day; students focused on paying one another sincere and heartfelt compliments. PreK and Kindergarten students also visited the other classrooms and offices to deliver singing Valentines.

Mack’s compassionate hearts of all ages shone through this week as we focused on building empathy, communicating with kindness and serving others. What a perfect way to honor the core message of Valentine’s Day!




Mackintosh Academy