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parents enjoying a tour of campus expansion

Board Vice Chair Annie Slothower points out features of our new campus expansion.


By Tami Vinson, Director of Development
Thank you to everyone who attended our Annual Meeting on March 5th. It just so happened to be our 5th Annual Meeting too!  We were so pleased to have over 75 people join us for the celebration. What an exciting time we had giving tours of the campus expansion project. From the new visual arts classroom, to the new stage and everything in between, including two new gender-neutral bathrooms, a teacher workspace, a kitchenette, and a greenroom/office for Performing Arts Teacher Ms. Kates – it was all smiles and oohs and ahs as we walked families through the construction site.

Board member Cliff Hickerson explains key construction details.

The meeting provided a wonderful opportunity for parents to mingle with one another, with our teachers, and with our Board of Trustee members who were all wearing red hard hats. Stephanie Gill Kelly, Mack alum parent and Co-Chair of the Board of Trustees, talked with the group about the role of the board and introduced Board members in attendance. Cliff Hickerson, Mack alum parent and Finance Chair for the Board of Trustees gave highlights from the financial audit and shared that Mack’s finances are very healthy and strong thanks to careful planning, and that our reserves exceed industry standards. Diane Dunne, Head of School, took us on a time traveling journey as she shared snapshots of successes from our Strategic Plan and the past 5 years at Mack in the areas of people, program, prosperity, and place.

Here’s a snapshot of some of the accomplishments Diane shared:


  • Expanded Parent Council Presence
  • 85-90% faculty retention rate
  • Increased staffing including Learning Specialist and Counselor
  • Sustained tuition assistance of approximately 30% of families
  • Solar scholarships to support a financially diverse environment, beneficial to all
  • Increased enrollment – gradual, sustainable, manageable growth, building the future in a way that maintains and supports the community and culture at the school


  •  2017 ACIS Candidacy school; ACIS accreditation anticipated summer, 2021
  • Gifted: Ongoing professional development: Colorado Association for Gifted & Talented, Beyond Gifted conference, speakers, literature study
  • Learning Specialist and Counselor
  • Major Environmental Initiatives and awards; increased emphasis on community service


  • 94-100% family participation in Mack’s Annual Fund for the past 4 years
  • Strong financial reserves
  • Student scholarship established (Solar Scholars)


  • Front lobby and office expansion
  • Additional parking spaces
  • Fifth and sixth grade classroom expansion
  • New GAGA pit
  • Performing and visual arts space expansion!!!


Head of School Diane Dunne gives her presentation.

Focus on Place

It’s been a steady march of progress and we’re very proud of what we’ve accomplished together! With the theme of “Place,” Diane brought the focus to the campus expansion project and the Capital Campaign. Diane explained that the campaign name and theme, “The Max the Potential Campaign- Solving for X by focusing on WHY” arose out of the following goals:

  • People: Expand our enrollment allowing us to have a more socially/intellectually rich  environment and extend the Mack experience and not turn children away
  • Program: Enhance the quality of their learning experience for the students (and teachers) so they can do their best work.
  • Place: Extend and enhance places for teaching and learning worthy of our students and teachers.
  • Prosperity: Ensures our long term financial and sustainability
All of these elements are building toward a vision of bringing our campus up-to-date and in line with the extraordinary work being done by students and staff. Diane explained that this project has been in the works for five years – step by step: envisioning, architectural concept, approval from city, and campaign planning study to gauge support.  And of course – raising the funds: $1.25M is needed for Phase One.
We were thrilled to share that we have $673,044 funded towards our campaign goal of $1,250,000. That’s 54% and we’re over half-way there! The Board and Administrative Leadership Team kicked the campaign off last year with 100% participation and $100,000. We also had many families, grandparents, alum families, and friends who made gifts to the campaign and helped up get this far. This is the most we have ever raised in Mack history!

Board Vice Chair and Capital Campaign Committee Chair Annie Slothower explains how her family has supported the campaign.

Supporting the Campaign

Those in attendance also had the opportunity to hear from fellow Mack parent, Board of Trustee member, and Capital Campaign Chair Annie Slothower. Annie shared her heartfelt story of her family’s journey to Mack five years ago and how her family made the thoughtful decision to make their first five-figure charitable gift to Mackintosh. Annie shared that at first they decided to give $83 a month for 5 years for a total gift of $5,000 but that as they learned more about the project and what it meant for the school, they decided to stretch ever further for the school and make the $10,000 gift of $166 a month for 5 years.

“We could not think of a better organization as a recipient than the institution that was shaping our children.This was my family’s journey and I know that everyone at Mack has their own unique family financial situation. It is my hope that by sharing with you a bit about our decision making process, that over the next several months you, too, might begin to consider how your family can be part of this capital campaign.” — Annie Slothower

Grand Finale

We then closed out the evening with an extra special performance by the Mackintosh Choir, led by Ms. Kates, singing a new rendition of “If you could see me now.” At next year’s meeting, these kids will perform on the new stage!

The Mack Choir gave a lively performance to wrap up the evening.

Mackintosh Academy