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Pi Day Celebrates the Joy of Math (and Pie!)
Mack students and teachers celebrated Pi (π) Day on Monday. First declared an unofficial holiday in 1988 by physicist Larry Shaw, Pi Day celebrates the mathematical constant of pi (Greek letter π), which begins with 3.14 and has been calculated to over 50 trillion...
Mackintosh Academy honored with prestigious “Climate Action Project School of Excellence” award
On November 4, 2021, Mackintosh Academy in Littleton, Colorado was awarded Climate Action Project School of Excellence. Only 250 schools globally were recognized because of their intense work on climate education in a whole-school approach. The recognition was awarded...
Empowering Faculty: A Collaborative Code of Conduct
Written in collaboration with Joe Pausback and Roger Chow Most of us are familiar with student codes of conduct which, depending on the school, can range from essential agreements on how students treat one another to prescriptive rules for behavior and dress....
FirstBank Supports Mackintosh Academy as a Silver Sponsor
Mackintosh Academy would like to extend a heartfelt thank-you to FirstBank for being a Silver Sponsor at our Mack Event. We appreciate their loyal support and value our long-term partnership. Most recently, FirstBank has sponsored our Mack Event since at least 2017;...
A Revolutionary Student-Led Inquiry
By Tari St.Marie, 5th and 6th Grade Teacher What do you do when the world hijacks your unit of inquiry? It started quietly enough, during our unit of inquiry into Revolutions. My fifth and sixth grade students asked: Are all revolutions good? What if the revolution...
Compassionate Hearts: Encouraging Resilience and Perseverance in Children
By Lillian Henricks, PsyD. At the recent Colorado Association of Gifted and Talented conference Drs. Amy Graefe and Jenny Ritchotte from UNC spoke on how families can contribute to the resilience of their gifted children. This resonates deeply with an understanding of...